The Complete Guide to Men’s Fertility

There are several things a couple can do to increase their chances of getting pregnant, and unfortunately—most of the fertility information that’s out there is focused solely on women.

A quick internet search for ways to increase the odds for conceiving will return a ton of advice for the mama to be . . . limit your exposure to toxic chemicals, take prenatals, reduce your stress, get acupuncture, keep your belly warm . . . the list goes on and on.

And for the man? Well, if you look closely enough, you might stumble upon the occasional fertility tip to quit smoking and maybe switch to boxers. Yep, that’s basically all you’ll find!

Even though those are both great steps, men deserve better advice than that. Sperm health plays a HUGE role in fertility and pregnancy outcomes, but for some reason it doesn’t get nearly as much attention as it should.

And while the mama’s body is responsible for the lion’s share of the baby making, it takes two to tango. Your future baby is a 50/50 contribution from the both of you, and the quality of your man’s sperm will become the quality of your embryo (which eventually becomes your baby). Poor sperm quality results in low embryo quality which contributes to miscarriages and even failed transfers in IVF. When a couple wants to have a baby, sperm matters . . . a lot. And this is exactly why I recommend BOTH partners participate in preconception planning.

So what causes weak sperm in men? Exactly how common is male infertility? And what can a man do to increase the quality of his little swimmers?

We’ll get into all of that, but before we do—let’s start with a quick sex ed lesson so everyone’s on the same page.

When you want to have a baby, more sex isn’t the answer, but timing is everything. 

If a gym teacher with a whistle around their neck was the last person to talk to you about how babies are made, it’s probably time for a little refresher. Back then you were most likely trying NOT to have a baby so this time around, your focus will be a lot different.

First off, having unprotected sex isn’t enough to get pregnant because every day is not a fertile day. The fertility window is only about 5 or 6 days each month because a woman can only get pregnant if sperm are present when she ovulates. And if there’s no egg, pregnancy can’t happen. Sounds simple enough, but there are two BIG things most people don’t know can increase your odds of getting pregnant . . .

Two little known facts that can help you get pregnant faster are:

  1. The female orgasm acts as a catapult to help the little swimmers hit their target.

  2. Acupuncture and herbs can extend the fertility window.

If you want to learn more about how you can extend your fertility window to get pregnant faster, you can book a virtual Fertility Consult here.

For some couples, a well-timed orgasm (and maybe some fun arousal oils) might be all it takes to get pregnant—but unfortunately the number of people having trouble conceiving is going up as the quality of the average man’s sperm is going down.

Sperm count has dropped by more than 60% since the 1970’s, and 40-50% of infertility is male factor. But here’s one more fertility fact most people don’t know  . . .

There are a lot of things that can be done to boost the count and quality of a man’s sperm.

A variety of stressors can contribute to sperm issues, but the good news is these conditions can quickly be turned around in as little as 70 days when you know what steps to take.  The preconception planning time BEFORE you become pregnant is vital to have healthy children (and even healthier grandchildren!). 

What men can do to improve sperm health naturally (in as little as 70 days).

Sperm are greatly affected by diet and lifestyle which means that for better or worse, the choices your partner makes today matter. While it can be difficult for men to commit to making the changes needed to optimize their sperm health and fertility, there’s a good chance your partner will want to keep it up once he realizes the same habit changes also optimize his energy, libido, mental focus, strength, and overall vitality.


1. Stop smoking 

Sperm are ultra sensitive, and when exposed to toxins, they can be severely damaged. Inhaling smoke from cigarettes, vapes, and cannabis diverts blood flow away from the testicles, and exposes the developing sperm to damaging free radicals. Smoke causes extreme stress to sperm cells—making them way less effective when they show up to work. Smoking will not only cause numerous health problems, but it will also exacerbate any preexisting fertility issues. 

Because of the stigma surrounding cannabis, there aren't a ton of great studies out there linking it to infertility. However, the research that has been published suggests that cannabis does far more harm than good for our reproductive systems, so when trying to conceive (TTC), it’s highly recommended to take a tolerance break! 

2. Quit drinking alcohol 

There’s no other way to put it—alcohol is poison to the body. Not only does alcohol cause erectile dysfunction, it also lowers testosterone levels and reduces sperm count. Think about it like this . . . when your body is under attack it’s focus isn’t on creating more life, it’s on protecting itself. Don’t leave the testicles hanging out to dry, reduce your alcohol consumption when TTC to significantly increase the speed of getting pregnant.

3. Limit caffeine 

High levels of caffeine alter the quality of sperm and make it harder for you to conceive. If you drink energy drinks, go ahead and cut them out completely (if you’re TTC or not)! They’re filled with loads of harmful artificial ingredients that lead to numerous health conditions—infertility is just one of them. 

Quality coffee and tea have built-in antioxidants and can actually help protect the fragile DNA in developing sperm when enjoyed in moderation. More than 200mg of caffeine a day is when it begins to negatively affect the body. So stick to a cup a day and buy organic whenever possible. 

4. Wear cotton boxers

Give your man a lot of extra love by giving his boys a little more room to breathe! But before you go out and buy a bunch of new underwear, make sure you replace them with boxers made of 100% cotton to avoid hormone disrupting materials. 

A ridiculous amount of chemicals are used in underwear to make them wrinkle resistant, specific colors and textures, and flame retardant. Any pair of boxers that aren’t made of a natural material will leach carcinogens into the body, directly impacting the quality of sperm and testosterone levels in men. Better fabric + fewer toxins = a pregnant mama. 

5. Avoid hot temperatures and EMFs

Exposure to hot temperatures and EMFs can cause harm to sperm inside the testicles. While hot tubs and saunas have many health benefits, men struggling with infertility might want to consider avoiding them while TTC since the extreme heat reaches and affects the quality of the sperm. 

While not everyone frequents the sauna or hot tub, chances are you carry a phone practically everywhere. Putting your phone in a pocket or in close proximity to the testicles is extremely harmful to men. Because the water content in the testicles increases the absorption of the EMFs, they have been proven to decrease sperm’s motility.

It’s not all doom and gloom. You don’t have to go out and buy a flip phone, but here’s a few things you can do . . . 

Put an EMF protector on your phone to mitigate some of the exposure. Try your best to keep your phone at a distance—but when you do  need to put it in your pocket, put it on airplane mode or turn the Wi-Fi off. Unfortunately, your phone isn’t the only commonly used device that radiates EMFs . . . your laptop and Wi-Fi router do too. Despite its name, you should use a laptop at a desk or on a lap desk. Sitting your laptop directly on your pelvic area greatly increases the negative impact of EMFs. And if you really want to hack the system, switch your Wi-Fi router off at night! 

6. Cut out fast food, deep fried food, and seed oils

Avoiding seed oils is a full time job. Pick up any bag of chips, box of crackers, loaf of bread, carton of plant milk, bottle of coffee creamer or salad dressing and you’ll find unhealthy vegetable oils that are more suited for your car than your food. 

Trans fatty acids and seed oils negatively affect the testicular lipid metabolism and impair sperm production while essential fatty acids (like animal fats) do the opposite! The mainstream media tells us to be afraid of consuming animal products, but avoiding animal products—especially fats—is about as good for TCC as avoiding sex! 

Every hormone that's needed to get and stay pregnant can be supported with more animal fat. When TTC, start cooking more meals at home with butter, lard, ghee, tallow or unrefined coconut oil and leave the crappy seed oils and trans fats for the drive-thrus and restaurants. 

7. Reduce stress and increase sleep

If you didn’t already know, sleep and stress go hand in hand. And stress causes a dysregulation of the HP axis impacting the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis (HP-G axis). Why does all this anatomy matter to you? Well, the HP-G axis is responsible for the function of the male reproductive system. Stress kills hormones, and it can deplete them entirely when it drives your life. 

Our hormone health is not just about us. It’s about our future children and grandchildren too. 

Testosterone levels can be severely depleted when the body is deprived of sleep. By boosting testosterone levels, you can boost the number of sperm and their quality. Some of the easiest ways your man can support his sperm health is to slow down, sleep a full 8 hours at night, spend time outside, and do more things that bring him joy (like spending time with his buddies at the golf range). 

8. Limit exposure to hormone disruptors

The harmful chemicals and heavy metals from tap (and even bottled) water are some of the biggest hormone disruptors that dramatically affect fertility. No matter what your budget is, get what you can afford and filter your water. A few I’d recommend are Pristine Hydro, Berkey Filters, and AquaTru

Another easy way to ditch the hormone disruptors is to switch from plastic to glass food storage! Everyday personal care products are also big contributors to our toxic burden, and it’s important for your man to clean up his products like cologne, deodorant, aftershave, hair products, and skincare. 

High toxic loads are contributing significantly to poor sperm quality and hormonal imbalances in men who are TTC. You don’t have control over all of the toxins you’re exposed to in the world, but you do have control over what you bring into your home and the swaps are easier than you think. 

9. Eat REAL, whole nutrient dense, mineral rich foods 

Eating organic foods as much as you can is great, but there are so many other important food factors to consider. Nutrition is slow medicine, and supporting the body with nourishing foods is one of the main building blocks to having a healthy baby.

Here’s a breakdown of some great foods for the dude in your life:

Bright red produce like peppers, beets, and berries are loaded with vitamin C and powerful antioxidants that help sperm grow strong and robust. The fats in walnuts have been clinically proven to boost sperm motility and count, just add in 1-2 handfuls per day! Oysters are loaded with zinc, a vital mineral in sperm production. Eat 1-2 tins of oysters per week. Mama to be, grab some too because oysters promote both healthy sperm AND eggs! 

10. Consider supplementing and taking herbs 

While I can’t make individual recommendations in a blog post, I can tell you how they work so that you can choose the products that are best for you.

While a nutritious diet is non-negotiable for optimal fertility, if you’re TTC and having some trouble, you can kickstart healing with supplements and herbs! The products that I recommend for the man in your life are CoQ10, zinc, Shou Wu, and N-AC (N-acetyl-cysteine). These supplements and herbs have been used over generations to help balance hormones, increase sperm count, and improve sperm quality. 

And one more bonus supplement since you made it all the way to the end . . . magnesium is commonly overlooked when it comes to supplementing for fertility issues, but it’s great at supporting both healthy egg and sperm quality!

There are so many things men can and should be doing for their fertility.

When you want to start your family, the man in your life has just as much of an impact on your ability to get pregnant as you do! You’ll be able to avoid unnecessary invasive (and expensive!) treatments and have everything you need for a natural pregnancy when you both take your health into your own hands to boost your fertility, IVF and adoption are not your only options. 

I know the pain that infertility causes when you’re struggling to conceive. 

With a bit of preconception planning, you’ll be holding your little bundle of joy sooner than you think!

Book your Personalized Fertility Breakthrough Session here so we can get you pregnant. 


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