5 Healing Foods for Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are benign growths of smooth muscle tissue in the uterine wall. While small ones can be asymptomatic, larger ones can cause uncomfortable symptoms such as excessive menstrual bleeding and abdominal pain. They can also contribute to miscarriage and other fertility issues. If this affects you, check out the foods below and consider scheduling a consultation with an herbalist at Magnolia Wellness to resolve the fibroids and avoid surgery naturally. Click here to view our services and schedule a consultation.
Uterine fibroids are related to stagnant blood, which is blood that coagulates or congeals. When blood is stagnant, clots, tumors, fibroids, cysts and more begin to develop. Treating the root cause will ultimately help resolve the symptom of fibroids forming, so eating foods to help circulate the blood is crucial.
Here are some foods to add into your diet to help heal uterine fibroids. You can add one item to each meal or take as directed:
Turmeric: The primary ingredient in turmeric is Curcumin, which is anti-inflammatory and has antioxidant qualities. You can add it to your meals as a spice or take it in capsules.
Chives: These help to increase qi energy circulation. You can enjoy adding some to your dish as a seasoning or drink chive tea.
Garlic: promotes circulation and is all-around a good food to include in your diet. It’s great for fighting off viruses and promoting a healthy digestive system. While it’s best eaten raw, you can also add to food to avoid the strong odor or burning sensation.
Vinegar: the best vinegars to use are apple cider vinegar, brown rice wine vinegar, white wine vinegar and umeboshi. It creates a warming circulation of qi energy in the body and removes stagnant blood. Mix 1 tsp with ⅓ cup of water and drink slowly.
Eggplant: This food helps to dissolve congealed blood, especially around the uterus. Eggplant combines well with non-starchy vegetables.
One thing to note is that it’s helpful to eat foods that are warm to bring warmth and circulation to your abdomen and reproductive system. Cold foods aren’t off limits, but keep in mind that they can reduce circulation. Check out this recipe for an easy example of helpful foods to increase circulation.
Nutrition is such a great way to optimize your fertility while also helping your body heal from this inside out. We are here for you to help you every step of the way to help you achieve fertility success!