Vaginal Steaming 101


As a woman, you’ve most likely experienced some form of discomfort or abnormal discharge of the vagina. While this is a very common issue, there are simple ways to ease discomfort, even at home. One method is vaginal steaming.

This little hack has gained a lot of popularity after the wellness star, Gwyneth Paltrow, raved about it on her website, Goop.

So who would benefit from this?

Those trying to improve fertility, hormonal imbalances, reduce menstrual cramps, or fight infection. For hundreds of years, women have been using this method, especially for fertility.

One of the most common causes of infertility is a result of the uterine wall not completely shedding during each cycle, causing a build-up. This can make it difficult for the fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus.

With vaginal steaming, the herbs and heat reach the uterus and have the ability to loosen and cleanse out any remaining particles.

After giving birth, many continue utilizing vaginal steaming to alleviate hemorrhoids, tears, perineal pain, and uterine cramping. 


What Is Vaginal Steaming? 

Vaginal steaming is a natural therapy where you sit over a pot of steaming water infused with herbs. The warm herbal steam can offer benefits for your fertility and overall well-being.

The session lasts about 20 minutes, giving you time to relax, meditate, or simply enjoy a peaceful moment for yourself.

Vaginal steaming has been practiced for ages in various cultures and is gaining popularity today as more people explore natural ways to support their fertility and health.

This little hack has gained a lot of popularity after the wellness star, Gwyneth Paltrow, raved about it on her website, Goop. 

So who would benefit from this? Those trying to improve fertility, regulate hormonal imbalances, reduce menstrual cramps, or fight infection. For hundreds of years, women have been using this method, especially for fertility.

One potential cause of infertility is a result of the uterine wall not completely shedding during each cycle, causing a build-up. This can make it difficult for the fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus. This is referred to as endometrial hyperplasia.

With vaginal steaming, the herbs and heat reach the uterus and have the ability to loosen and cleanse out any remaining particles. After giving birth, many continue utilizing vaginal steaming to alleviate hemorrhoids, tears, perineal pain, and uterine cramping. 

However, like any wellness practice, listening to your body and being mindful of potential risks is crucial. So, if you're curious about trying vaginal steaming, keep reading as we explore the methods, benefits, and precautions in the rest of this blog!

2 Vaginal Steaming Methods to Try At Home

The Chair method

You’ll need: pot, herbs, 1 cups of water, towel/cushion, wooden chair, blanket

Optional: squatty potty or yoga blocks underneath each foot

  • Add one cup of chosen herbs to a pot of boiling water and let steep for ten minutes.

  • While the herbs steep, consider a mantra or an intention that is meaningful for you

  • Grab a wooden chair and place a towel on the seat or a cushion to allow for a comfortable seat. If you have a squatty potty, make sure you push that under the chair at this moment. If you have yoga blocks, place one on each side of the chair.

  • Check the temperature of the steam and let it cool down. You’ll want it to be warm, not hot.

  • Once the steam is at a comfortable temperature, remove your clothes from the waist down but keep your socks on. Socks help retain the warmth of your body and womb.

  • With oven mitts on, place your pot underneath or right in front of a wooden chair. If it’s comfortable for you, try to sit with your legs wide and closer to the edge of the chair, sitting up tall. Place your feet on the squatty potty or the yoga blocks, if that’s available to you.

  • Open your blanket and wrap it around your legs so that the steam can be contained.

  • With one hand over your heart, and the other over your belly, invite the steam into your body, Consider the healing elements that are circulating inside of you. Listen for messages from your spirit guides and relax into the moment.

  • Enjoy the steam session for 20 minutes.

The Child’s Pose Method

You’ll need: pot, herbs, 1 cups of water, towel, blanket

Optional: yoga block

  • Add one cup of chosen herbs to a pot of boiling water and let steep for ten minutes.

  • While the herbs steep, consider a mantra or an intention that is meaningful for you

  • Take a blanket and leave it folded in half on the floor. If you have a yoga block, place it in front of the blanket.

  • Check the temperature of the steam and let it cool down. You’ll want it to be warm, not hot.

  • Once the steam is at a comfortable temperature, remove your clothes from the waist down but keep your socks on. Socks help retain the warmth of your body and womb.

  • With oven mitts on, wrap a small towel around your pot and over the sides. Carefully place it on the ground, behind the blanket.

  • Get down on all fours and get into Child’s Pose. Keep your legs wide. If you have a yoga block, you can rest your head on it here.

  • Melt into the restorative pose. Allow your hips and back to open up while you invite the herbal steam into your body. Take in the healing elements and listen for messages from your spirit guides.

  • Enjoy the steam session for 20 minutes.

Some herbs recommended when vaginal steaming: mugwort, wormwood, chamomile, calendula, basil, or oregano. 


8 Benefits of Vaginal Steaming:

  • Naturally clean vagina, uterus, and reproductive system

  • Reduces stress

  • Combats depression

  • Fights infections

  • Improves infertility

  • Restores balance after giving birth 

  • Balances hormones

  • Alleviated headaches and/or fatigue

3 Risks of Vaginal Steaming to Watch Out for

Listening to your body is extremely important. Consider these potential risks before trying: 

  • The heat can potentially cause burns around the vaginal area so please be mindful of the temperature

  • The increased heat and herbs can alter the PH, which may increase the risk of infections like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infection

  • You may have a heavier flow in your next cycle. This is normal and a sign that your uterus is healing and renewing itself.

Vaginal Steaming Q&A 

Is Vaginal Steaming Always Safe?

Vaginal steaming can be wonderful for many women, but it's essential to be cautious. While generally safe, there are situations when you should avoid it. If you're pregnant or suspect you might be, it's best to skip vaginal steaming until after childbirth. The warm steam and herbs could potentially cause issues during pregnancy.

Similarly, if you have active infections, wounds, or sores in the vaginal area, hold off on steaming until fully healed. Steaming could worsen the condition and delay healing.

When Should I Not Try Vaginal Steaming?

If you're experiencing gynecological issues like itching, burning, abnormal discharge, or pain, consult a healthcare professional before trying vaginal steaming. These symptoms could indicate an underlying condition that needs medical attention. Steaming without addressing the issue could make it worse.

Also, if you've recently had vaginal surgery or medical procedures, wait until you fully recover before attempting vaginal steaming. Patience is key for proper healing.

Are There Alternatives to Vaginal Steaming?

Absolutely! If vaginal steaming doesn't feel right for you, there are other ways to support fertility and vaginal health. Simple practices like good hygiene, balanced diet, hydration, and regular exercise contribute to well-being.

Mindfulness, yoga, and stress reduction can positively impact fertility and reproductive health. Reducing stress levels can also affect your menstrual cycle positively.

Self-care activities like warm baths with Epsom salts, gentle abdominal massages, or using heating pads for relaxation can nurture your body.

Remember to be gentle and kind to your body. Everyone is different, so find what works best for you. If you're curious about trying vaginal steaming or any wellness practice, consult your healthcare provider to ensure it aligns with your health needs.

For more on how to create your own vaginal steam, click here to read: DIY Vaginal Steam with Chinese Herbs.

McDermott, A. (2020, September 18). Everything You Need to Know About Vaginal Steaming. Retrieved December 15, 2020, from


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