TCM Tips for Spring Wellness
As we shift into the spring season, we’ve rounded up our top Traditional Chinese Medicine tips to prepare you for the season of renewal and rebirth.
Spring Cleaning 101
Cleanse your home and live in harmony with your environment.
Treating Allergy Relief Naturally
Tackle seasonal allergies naturally and lower your histamine levels.
TCM Foods To Eat During the Spring Season
Learn what foods are best to incorporate into your diet. Hint - you’ll see lots of greens!
Supporting Your Liver in the Spring
Tips on how to nourish and support your liver aka the body’s natural filter.
Additional Support + Resources
We’re here to support you - whether it’s from easing the transition from winter to spring, to improve your digestion or to lower your stress and anxiety levels. One of the most effective ways to find balance and regulate your Qi is through acupuncture. You can book your session here. Another way we provide support is through our online telehealth services. Book a session with one of our Master Herbalists to receive your own personalized recommendations and guidance. Finally, if you’re interested in learning more about healing your body through the natural elements, take our quiz to find out what your element type is.