7 Natural Fertility Boosters to Get Pregnant Fast

Whether you’re struggling to get pregnant, or you’re just looking for a fast track because you’re ready to have a family, you’ve probably heard that there are many natural ways to increase your fertility. 

What you might not know is how incredibly well they work. 

If you’ve been discouraged or even wondered if you’d have to settle for IVF, I’ve got great news: 

A completely natural, at-home method to boost fertility exists—and it can drastically increase your pregnancy odds.

In this article, we’ll provide seven natural fertility boosters based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that offer a holistic approach to pregnancy and fertility. 

Let’s get started. 

How Traditional Chinese Medicine Increases Fertility 

Traditional Chinese medicine has a unique perspective on fertility, focusing on the balance and harmony of the body to create an optimal environment for conception. 

Its principles are rooted in the belief that the body possesses its healing mechanisms, and by supporting and optimizing those mechanisms, we can enhance fertility naturally. 

One of the core concepts of TCM is the belief in Qi, the vital energy that flows through our bodies

According to TCM, when Qi is balanced and flowing smoothly, it supports overall health, including reproductive health. 

On the other hand, Qi imbalances or blockages can hinder fertility. 

TCM practitioners use various techniques to restore the balance and flow of Qi, thereby improving your chances of getting pregnant.

Western medicine has also discovered other clinical reasons why many of these methods work—from decreasing inflammation to removing toxins to regulating hormones. 

Let’s dive in:

7 Natural Home Remedies to Get Pregnant at Home 

1. Acupuncture 

This technique involves the strategic placement of thin needles into specific points on your skin to stimulate energy flow and restore balance within your body.

Acupuncture is known to balance hormones. Hormonal imbalances can disrupt your ovulation and make it more challenging to achieve pregnancy. 

When an acupuncturist targets specific acupuncture points, it can help regulate your hormone levels to improve your reproductive function and increase your odds of conception.

Acupuncture also stimulates blood flow to the reproductive organs. 

Proper circulation is crucial for the optimal functioning of your ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. By enhancing blood flow to these areas, acupuncture promotes the delivery of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones, creating an environment that is receptive to conception.

In addition to its physical effects, acupuncture has a remarkable impact on reducing stress. 

Trying to conceive can be a rollercoaster of emotions, and your stress levels can skyrocket. 

High-stress levels can interfere with your hormone production and disrupt the delicate balance needed for successful conception. 

Acupuncture sessions offer a tranquil environment where you can relax, unwind, and let go of the stress that may be hindering your fertility.

Before you rush off to schedule an acupuncture appointment, remember that finding a qualified and experienced acupuncturist is paramount. 

Seek out a licensed practitioner who specializes in fertility treatments and understands reproductive health. 

Your body has an incredible capacity to heal and restore itself, and acupuncture may just be the solution for you.

2. Chinese Herbs 

These natural remedies have been used for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine to support reproductive health and increase the chances of conception. 

Chinese herbs have gained recognition for their ability to enhance fertility when taken consistently over four months. These herbs work in harmony with your body to address underlying imbalances and nurture your reproductive system.

Here are popular herbs for your fertility:

  • Maca Root: This root vegetable is native to the mountains of Peru. It is known for its hormone-balancing properties. Maca can help regulate the menstrual cycle, promote healthy ovulation, and support the overall functioning of your reproductive organs.

  • Licorice Root: This sweet-tasting root has been traditionally used to support hormonal balance and enhance fertility. Licorice roots can help regulate your menstrual cycle and improve the quality of cervical mucus—creating a more fertile environment for sperm.

  • Chaste Tree Berry: also known as Vitex, is another Chinese herb renowned for its fertility benefits. It acts on the pituitary gland, promoting the production of luteinizing hormone (LH). Regular use of Chaste Tree Berry can help regulate menstrual cycles and improve the timing of ovulation—increasing the chances of conception.

  • Bupleurum: a key herb in Chinese Medicine. It is valued because it regulates the flow of qi (energy) and supports liver function. In terms of fertility, Bupleurum can help balance hormones, reduce menstrual irregularities, and enhance overall reproductive health.

  • Dang Gui: also known as Chinese Angelica Root, or Dong Quai, this is considered a "woman's herb" due to its specific benefits for female reproductive health. It is often used to nourish the blood, regulate the menstrual cycle, and promote healthy circulation to the reproductive organs.

Consistency is key when incorporating Chinese herbs into your fertility regimen. 

Give your body time to adjust and respond to these natural remedies. Stay committed to your herbal routine. With patience and perseverance, you may experience positive changes in your reproductive health.

3. Supplements

Supplements can be a valuable addition to your healthy lifestyle. 

While they're not meant to replace a well-balanced diet, supplements can fine-tune your nutritional intake and provide specific nutrients that support reproductive health. 

It's essential to prioritize a healthy diet and lifestyle. Nourish your body with nutrient-rich foods, minimize exposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals, and reduce stress as much as possible. 

Once you have a solid foundation, supplements can be the cherry on top to optimize your fertility.

Examples of supplements for your fertility include:

  • Folic Acid: This B vitamin plays a crucial role in developing the neural tube in the early stages of pregnancy. Adequate folic acid intake is essential even before conception occurs. It helps prevent neural tube defects and supports the healthy development of your baby's brain and spinal cord. Just make sure your body is able to process folic acid—if not, it might be better for you to take folate instead.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: are essential for overall health and fertility. These healthy fats are found in fish oil supplements and can support hormonal balance, reduce inflammation, and improve egg quality. Including omega-3 supplements in your routine can be beneficial for both male and female fertility.

  • Vitamin D: is often referred to as the "sunshine vitamin" because our bodies produce it when exposed to sunlight. However, many people have inadequate levels of vitamin D due to limited sun exposure or other factors. Vitamin D supplementation can help optimize fertility by supporting hormone regulation, enhancing egg quality, and improving the chances of successful implantation.

  • Probiotics: are not just for gut health; they can also play a role in reproductive wellness. These bacterias support a healthy gut microbiome, which influences various aspects of our overall health—including fertility. Look for a high-quality probiotic supplement that contains a diverse range of strains to support your reproductive system.

Supplements can be a valuable tool on your fertility journey, but remember that they work best in combination with a healthy lifestyle. 

4. Ear Seeds 

Ear seeds can be an effective and natural way to aid with infertility. 

Your ears are like a microcosm of your entire body. It has acupressure and acupuncture points corresponding to various organs and systems. 

If you apply pressure to specific points in your ear, you can stimulate nerves that connect to your central nervous system. This can enhance the circulation of oxygen and nutrients throughout your body.

When it comes to fertility, ear seeds can be strategically placed to target points that support reproductive health. Ear seeds can help prevent blockages in the body to optimize blood flow to the reproductive organs. And by optimizing blood flow to reproductive organs, you’ll create an environment that is ideal for conception.

The application of ear seeds is simple. 

Small seeds, usually from the Vaccaria plant, are secured onto adhesive tape and placed on specific acupressure points on your ear.

The gentle pressure from the seeds stimulates the points throughout the day, providing a continuous therapeutic effect.

5. Fertility Foods

When it comes to preparing your body for pregnancy, your diet plays a huge role. 

Certain foods can support ovulation and create an optimal environment for conception. 

It's important to incorporate foods rich in high-quality proteins. Protein is essential for hormone production and overall reproductive health. 

Consider adding lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, and plant-based protein sources like beans and lentils to your meals. 

A delicious recipe idea is a grilled salmon with quinoa and roasted vegetables, providing a satisfying and fertility-friendly meal.

Iron is another vital nutrient for fertility, as it supports the production of healthy eggs and optimal blood flow to your reproductive organs. Include iron-rich foods such as leafy greens, lean red meats, fortified cereals, and legumes. 

An example of a nutrient-packed recipe is a spinach and chickpea salad with grilled chicken, providing a combination of iron, protein, and fertility-boosting ingredients.

Warm-temperature foods can also help create a favorable environment for conception. Soups and teas can be particularly beneficial. 

Consider preparing a nourishing vegetable soup with ginger, turmeric, and other warming spices. These ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties that can support reproductive health.

However, it's equally important to avoid certain foods that can negatively impact fertility. 

Minimize your consumption of processed foods, refined sugars, and trans fats. 

Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible and prioritize a well-balanced diet filled with fertility-enhancing ingredients.

6. CoQ10

This natural antioxidant plays a vital role in reproductive health and can support your journey to conception. 

As we age, our body's natural production of CoQ10 declines. This decline can have an impact on our fertility. 

CoQ10 supplementation is often recommended to make up for this decrease and support optimal reproductive function. By replenishing your body with CoQ10, you can improve your ovarian health and increase your chances of successful conception.

One of the key benefits of CoQ10 is its ability to enhance mitochondrial function. 

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells, including our reproductive cells. If you take CoQ10 to improve your mitochondrial function, it supports the overall health of your eggs—leading to better egg quality and increased fertility.

Furthermore, CoQ10 acts as a potent antioxidant to protect your body's cells from free radicals and reduce oxidative stress. 

This is particularly important for your reproductive system, as oxidative stress can harm your ovarian health and egg quality. 

When considering CoQ10 supplementation, it's important to consult with your healthcare provider or a fertility specialist to determine the appropriate dosage for your specific needs. 

They can guide you on the right dosage based on your age, overall health, and fertility goals.

7. Visualization and Affirmations

The power of your mind-body connection cannot be underestimated when it comes to fertility. 

Visualization and affirmations can harness the power of positive thinking and intention. Not only can this have spiritual effects—it can also support healthy hormone and stress regulation.

By visualizing yourself successfully conceiving and carrying a healthy pregnancy, you can align your thoughts and emotions with your desired outcome. 

This helps create a positive and receptive environment within your body, promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being.

On the other hand, affirmations are positive statements that reinforce your belief in your body's ability to conceive and nurture a baby. 

Incorporating visualization and affirmations into your daily routine can be as simple as finding a quiet space, closing your eyes, and visualizing yourself in a state of fertility and pregnancy. 

Picture yourself surrounded by love, joy, and the miracle of life. Combine this visualization practice with affirmations that resonate with you, and repeat them with conviction and belief.

But remember: visualization and affirmations are not a substitute for medical advice. 

They are complementary techniques that can enhance your overall well-being and mindset on your fertility journey. 

It's essential to combine them with natural remedies for fertility, a healthy lifestyle, and any medical guidance you may be receiving.

Avoid an IVF With the Right Natural Alternative 

While IVF has become a popular option for couples struggling with infertility, it's not the only way to increase your chances of getting pregnant. 

Traditional Chinese medicine offers a natural alternative that can be just as effective as IVF.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the focus is addressing the underlying imbalances in the body that may contribute to infertility. If you restore the balance in your body, natural fertility treatments can help you conceive without resorting to invasive medical procedures.

It's worth exploring natural alternatives before turning to IVF. At Magnolia Wellness, we genuinely believe NO WOMAN has to resort to IVF.

We offer a range of natural remedies to get pregnant fast and services based on traditional Chinese medicine. Our success rates are through the roof.

Our fertility kit includes natural remedies to help boost your fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Whether you're just starting to explore your options for increasing fertility or you've already tried other methods without success, our natural fertility solutions can provide the support and guidance you need. 


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Supporting Fertility with TCM Nutrition and Herbs