When it comes to supporting reproductive health through massage, a variety of modalities can offer benefits. There are several different techniques you can try, and the stomach area plays an important role in all of them because the abdomen houses your reproductive organs—including the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. 

Simply getting more blood circulation to this area is beneficial for fertility. Increased blood flow brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to these areas, supporting optimal function of your reproductive organs. Massaging the stomach area isn’t just good for the health of your reproductive organs though. It also helps your fertility by reducing stress, detoxifying and promoting lymphatic drainage, reducing inflammation, and balancing hormones.

But since the abdominal area can feel a little vulnerable for some people, we’ll be sure to give you a variety of options to find the best fertility massage for you including an at-home DIY option.

Do-it-Yourself Fertility Massage Technique to Try at Home

If the idea of having a stranger rub your stomach makes you feel a little too exposed, you’ll likely feel much more comfortable learning how to do your own fertility massage yourself. While there are some techniques out there that can be very detailed and overly complicated, we prefer a much simpler approach that you’ll actually feel confident doing without being afraid you’ll mess things up.

From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, this at-home DIY fertility massage technique follows the natural flow of energy. You’ll start at your lower right side where the ascending colon is located and then work your way down to the descending colon. You're simply moving in the direction that you want your body to work anyway. So in addition to benefiting your fertility, don’t be alarmed if this method also gets your bowels moving and grooving a bit too.

It’s important to note that if there is a chance you may already be pregnant you should not perform any sort of abdominal or womb massage on yourself as the risk of miscarriage and harm to your developing baby is a concern.

To Give Yourself a Fertility Massage . . .

Step 1: Prepare a Comfortable Space

Begin by creating a cozy environment. You might want to dim the lights, play soft music, or diffuse  some soothing essential oils. Do anything else you find helpful for setting the stage for a moment of deep connection with your body.

Step 2: Warm Up and Relax

To prepare your body for the fertility massage, consider applying a warm compress to your lower abdomen, doing a castor oil pack 30-60 mins beforehand, or soaking in a warm bath. This gentle heat will help relax your muscles and encourage increased blood circulation to your reproductive organs.

Step 3: Choose a Fertility-Friendly Massage Oil

Select a fertility-friendly oil such as almond, coconut, or olive oil to accompany your at-home fertility massage. These oils provide nourishment to your skin and enhance the overall experience. If you did a castor oil pack to warm up and relax, you may not need any additional oil because your belly will have residual oil leftover from your pack.

Step 4: Perform the Abdominal Massage

Gently apply the oil to your abdomen, using circular motions with soft yet deliberate strokes. Begin from the lower right side of your abdomen and move clockwise, gradually working your way up the upper right side, across, and down the lower side. With each glide of your hands, visualize the oil enriching your reproductive system with love and vitality. Repeat this motion for a few minutes. 

Now, focus on the pelvic area. Apply gentle pressure with your fingers to the area between your navel and pubic bones. Using small circular motions or upward strokes toward your navel. Be gentle, nurturing, and attentive to your body's unique needs.

While you’re doing the abdominal massage, listen to your body. Don’t be surprised if you have areas that feel tender and like there’s a physical blockage. It’s probably poo. And this massage will help move things along. 

Other Techniques: Uterus, Femoral, and Ovary Massages for Fertility

There are several very specific types of fertility massages that you may want to consider. These techniques can be harder to find as they’re not as common as other types of massage. We’ll go over the basic concepts of a few other fertility massage techniques so you can do further research if one piques your interest.

Please note that the following massage techniques are not ones to try on yourself at home. They can be performed by various healthcare professionals—including licensed massage therapists, physical therapists specializing in pelvic floor therapy, and acupuncturists who incorporate fertility treatments. 

Uterus Massage for Fertility: Nurturing the Sacred Space

A uterus massage, also known as uterine massage or pelvic floor therapy, can be used as a supportive technique for a tipped or prolapsed uterus. 

Here's how it can help with both of those conditions:

Tipped Uterus (also called retroverted uterus): A tipped uterus refers to a uterus that tilts backward instead of the usual forward position. Massage techniques can be used to gently manipulate and reposition the uterus, aiming to restore its proper alignment. This may help alleviate discomfort and improve the functioning of the uterus.

Prolapsed Uterus: A prolapsed uterus occurs when the uterus descends into or protrudes out of the vagina due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Uterine massage, along with other therapeutic approaches, may aid in strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and providing support to the uterus. By enhancing the tone and function of the pelvic floor, the massage can help alleviate symptoms associated with a prolapsed uterus.

Femoral Massage: Tapping into Hidden Potential

Next on the list is the femoral massage, a lesser-known gem in the world of fertility massages. Targeting the femoral artery, which supplies blood to the pelvic region, this technique can promote increased blood flow, nourishing the reproductive organs.

When combined with other massage techniques, such as lymphatic drainage, the femoral massage helps to remove toxins and waste products from the body, supporting detoxification and creating an ideal environment for fertility.

Ovary Massage: Honoring the Seat of Life

Ah, the ovaries! These delicate powerhouses play a significant role in our reproductive health. Ovary massage stimulates blood flow to the ovaries and the surrounding reproductive organs. This increased circulation promotes the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the ovaries, supporting their overall health and function.

Ovary massage can also help promote hormonal balance by stimulating the release of hormones, such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), which are crucial for regulating the menstrual cycle and promoting ovulation.

And Our Favorite Fertility Massage of All is . . .

This may come as a surprise to you because our absolute favorite massage for reproductive health isn’t technically a fertility massage. It’s lymphatic drainage!

Lymphatic drainage treatments offer a range of detoxification benefits that can positively impact reproductive health. The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in eliminating toxins from the body, maintaining a healthy immune system, and supporting your fertility.

By promoting lymphatic flow and detoxification, lymphatic drainage treatments can support reproductive health in several ways including:

Enhanced Circulation: Lymphatic drainage techniques help improve circulation by stimulating the movement of lymphatic fluid. This increased circulation can bring fresh oxygen and nutrients to reproductive organs, optimizing their function and overall health.

Removal of Toxins and Waste Products: The lymphatic system aids in the removal of metabolic waste, toxins, and excess fluids from the body. By supporting lymphatic drainage, these treatments facilitate the elimination of harmful substances that may negatively impact reproductive health.

Hormonal Balance: Lymphatic drainage treatments can help balance hormones by reducing excess fluid retention and promoting the elimination of toxins that affect hormone production and regulation. Hormonal balance is crucial for optimal reproductive function.

Reduced Inflammation: Inflammation can have a detrimental effect on reproductive health. Lymphatic drainage treatments help reduce inflammation by clearing away stagnant lymphatic fluid, which can contribute to the removal of inflammatory substances and support a healthier reproductive environment.

Stress Reduction: Stress can significantly impact fertility. Lymphatic drainage treatments are known to induce deep relaxation and reduce stress levels. By promoting relaxation and a sense of well-being, these treatments create an environment conducive to reproductive health.

You might be thinking, “Wait a minute! That’s not a massage!” And you’re right. Lymphatic drainage is not a massage. It’s a treatment . . . that can be combined with massage. And at Magnolia Wellness, that’s exactly what we do!

Lymphatic Drainage and Massage for Fertility at Magnolia Wellness

Massages are supposed to be enjoyable, right? Even if your goal is getting one that’s good for your fertility, we think you should also be able to leave your treatment feeling stress-free and relaxed. That’s why we often recommend that women in the Overcoming Infertility program get a combination of deep tissue massage followed by a lymph treatment.

At Magnolia Wellness, we offer a 90 minute Deep Tissue & Lymphatic Therapy Combo Treatment that begins with a 45 minute face-down deep tissue massage focusing on your neck, shoulders, and back. After the tension is all rubbed out and you’re feeling nice and relaxed, you flip over for a 45 minute lymph treatment.

Getting a lymphatic treatment after a massage is especially beneficial because the massage will release toxins and metabolic waste that were being stored in the muscles.

These toxins and waste then enter your lymphatic system and bloodstream. Both the lymphatic system and the circulatory system work together to eliminate toxins from your body. The lymphatic system helps filter and remove toxins, while the circulatory system transports them to organs like your liver and kidneys for further processing and elimination.

Your lymphatic treatment is broken down into two parts—the first 20 minutes is with the Lymphstar Pro Machine and the final 25 minutes is manual hands-on lymphatic drainage using the Vodder Method. The Lymphstar Pro Machine includes handheld devices that resemble wands. Your therapist will use the wand-like device to stimulate lymphatic drainage. And the Lymphstar machine can be up to 10 times more powerful than manual lymphatic treatments, especially when it comes to relieving edema and lymphatic congestion. 

The final 25 minutes of your treatment is manual lymphatic drainage using the Vodder Method. This is a specialized technique that involves gentle, rhythmic hand movements applied with varying degrees of pressure aimed at encouraging the movement of  lymph fluid through the lymphatic vessels to promote its drainage from the tissues.

All of this improved circulation to the abdominal area helps move the inflammation out, clears the blockages in the abdomen, and removes the toxins and waste products that are hindering your reproductive health.

If you’re local to Costa Mesa, CA come visit us for a 90 minute Deep Tissue & Lymphatic Therapy Combo Treatment. And if you’re ready to begin your journey towards conception, book a virtual Fertility Consult from anywhere in the world and we can walk this path to pregnancy together.


