Chinese Medicine to Boost Testosterone

It’s never been easier to get your hormone levels tested. We’re seeing a variety of at home tests that check your thyroid, fertility levels or if you have PCOS. With a simple prick of blood and a thumbprint, you can have an entire slew of testing done to understand what’s going on internally. It might seem like this is exclusively designed for women but with the rise of hormone therapy and accessibility, testosterone supplementation is having a moment.


A 2020 study found that the average testosterone level in men ages 15-19 years old had dropped from 605 in the years 1999-2000 to 451 in 2015. Meaning, within 15 years, testosterone levels in men decreased by 25%. You might be wondering - what’s a healthy range of testosterone? Experts say that a healthy man’s testosterone should range from about 264 to 916 nanograms per deciliter.

What exactly is testosterone and what does it do?

Both women and men produce the hormone testosterone. In women, it’s derived from the ovaries and adrenals, whereas in men, testosterone is created in the testes. Essentially, testosterone encourages muscle development, bone strength, libido and the production of sperm aka fertility.

What are the symptoms of having low testosterone?

In men with low testosterone, this can show up in the body as:

  • Hair loss

  • Decreased muscle mass and/or bone density

  • Low sex drive

  • Insomnia

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Low sperm count

When women experience low testosterone, they’ll typically experience menopausal symptoms such as:

  • Hot flashes

  • Irritability

  • Anxiety

  • Low libido

  • Osteoporosis

  • Insomnia

  • Decreased muscle strength


What causes low testosterone?

There are a ton of reasons why folks have low testosterone. Naturally, men can see their testosterone levels drop after the age of 35. High volume endurance training like long distance running or cycling can dramatically impact testosterone levels as well. When you enter a steady relationship or have children, your body biologically produces less testosterone momentarily. If there was any trauma or injury to the testes or ovaries, cancer treatment or the use of steroids, you’ll see a dip in testosterone. Apart from having genetic issues or radiation treatment, lifestyle choices are the main reason you see a significant drop in testosterone.

Lifestyle factors that decrease testosterone

  • Chronic long term stress 

  • Lack of sleep

  • Alcohol intake

  • Diabetes

  • Lack of exercise - but nothing too strenuous, see above: cycling/running can lower your levels

  • Lack of sexual activity

  • Blood pressure medication

  • Anxiety medication 

The Chinese Medicine Perspective on Low Testosterone

Whenever we’re talking about adrenals, vitality, or sex hormones, we’ll always look to the kidneys. The kidneys can be depleted, known as Kidney Yang deficiency or overproducing, known as Kidney Yin deficiency.

When you’re Kidney Yang Deficient, you’ll feel colder, be low energy and have this deep desire for sleep. Alternatively, when you’re Kidney Yin Deficient, you’ll have warm extremities, have a restless kind of fatigue and more anxiety. When you have a consultation with a Chinese Medicine practitioner, they’ll be able to properly diagnose you pending on your specific internal makeup. Treatment varies per person and once you know how your kidneys are functioning, you can take the appropriate formulas to revitalize them.

Kidney Yin Deficiency Herbs for Testosterone:

Liu Wei Di Huang Wan

Zuo Gui Wan

Kidney Yang Deficiency Herbs for Testosterone:

Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan

You Gui Wan

At the end of the day, Chinese medicine teaches us that bringing the body into a natural state of balance is where optimal health can be found. Oftentimes, it’s simple changes to our lifestyle that make the biggest impacts to the body. If you have any questions on how we can support you, boost your testosterone or bring your body back into balance, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help.

Resources on TCM + the libido:

If you have any questions about these herbs or if you’re interested in speaking to one of our Master Herbalists about your libido, send us a note at


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