DIY Remedies for Cough and Sore Throat
‘Tis the season of colds and flu! Unfortunately, colder temperatures, dry air and being inside more often are the perfect equation for germs to spread quickly. You might be used to reaching for over the counter meds to treat but there are other easy ways you can treat a sore throat or cough using remedies you probably already have at home. Plus, these remedies can help support your overall immune health and give your body what it needs to heal on its own.
What Causes a Sore Throat?
Sore throats are mainly caused by viruses that cause a cold or the flu but bacteria can also be a culprit. They can also be caused by allergens in the environment like smoke, pollen or pollution. Most sore throats and coughs go away in about a week so if yours persists, it’s best to see a doctor.
DIY Remedies
Warm fluids - drink plenty of warm fluids like water, tea, bone broth or soup. These will feel soothing to the scratch in your throat but they also have immune boosting properties.
Gargle - you can use ½ tsp of salt or baking soda in a glass of warm water. This one can be repeated several times per day. These remedies not only soothe the pain in your throat, but it also kills off the bacteria causing the sore throat in the first place.
Honey - a recent 2021 article showed that honey was just as effective as the over the counter treatment dextromethorphan (active ingredient in Delsym and Robitussin) at treating cough and sore throat. You can add a spoonful of honey to your tea or eat a plain spoonful.
Here’s a quick and easy DIY remedy using honey. Take one onion, slice it and add it to a small pan. Add some honey over top, just enough to cover the onions. Heat the combination on very low for about 30 minutes, just enough to have onion-smelling honey. Pour the mixture into a mason jar and take 1-2 teaspoons at a time as long as symptoms persist. Store in the fridge for freshness.
Onions are amazing for your immune system and combining the two makes them a powerhouse combination against a congested chest and sore throat.
Steam - using steam to keep your throat moist since dry air can make it worse. Simply add boiled water to a bowl and position your head over the bowl. Place a towel over both the bowl and your head and inhale for 10-15 minutes. Try adding a few drops of peppermint essential oil as well. You can also do this with a hot shower and shut the bathroom door.
Rest - so simple but so important! Your body is clearly trying to fight something off and it’s using all available energy to do so. Get a good night's sleep so your body can recover and be sure to rest your voice as well.
Essential oils - using oils like Thyme, Oregano and Tea Tree can be effective at fighting off a cough or cold. Rub a few drops on your feet before bed and cover your feet with socks. Diffusing eucalyptus oil can also help keep your airways open and make breathing easier.
Natural cough syrups - here are a few brands you can check out for natural cough syrups
DIY Vapor Rub - here’s a great recipe for a vapor rub to use as an alternative to the chemical-filled ones in the store. 1/2 cup olive oil, coconut oil, or almond oil
2 TBSP beeswax pastilles
20 drops of eucalyptus oil
20 drops peppermint oil
10 drops rosemary oil
10 drops cinnamon or clove oil
Just melt down the beeswax, drop in each essential oil for cough, sir, and pour into a container with a lid. Use it as you would any other rub.
In addition to these remedies, it’s also helpful to avoid certain things as well as to not exacerbate your symptoms. Avoid dry air, smoking/secondhand smoke, allergens (like mold, pet hair, pollen), chemical fumes, alcohol, foods that are dry or rough (pretzels, chips, etc).
At Magnolia Wellness, we take a holistic approach to all health issues and if you are experiencing immune deficiencies, we would love to meet with you to discuss how to help you heal your whole body. Schedule a consultation with us here.